Release Notes


* bump to 0.5.0 for publishing
* bump version manually
* publish to pypi
* back fill ye ol changelog
* remove eval calls
* drop python 3.4 support
* remove bugbear from 3.4 build
* add postgres and older flake8 requirement
* add test\_py34 to jobs workflow
* empty commit to trigger rebuild
* lol nice typo joey
* woops accidentally added a bunch of doc builds
* gitignore from temple
* tests pass now locally
* make validate passes
* starting flak8 and pylint fixes
* temple scaffolding


* Bump version: 0.4.6 → 0.4.7
* Use list per transaction instead of one big list for persist\_on\_commit (#48)
* remove 3.3 support because pytest dropped it
* remove behavior flag for persist\_on\_commit


* Bump version: 0.4.5 → 0.4.6
* more stylish code
* more tests and a couple of guards
* add nested transaction fix
* clean up and tests
* opt in to new behavior
* no magic strings
* batch history construction to commit instead of flush
* Bump version: 0.4.4 → 0.4.5
* Forgot to tell Travis and CircleCI to install 3.3
* Fix documentation to reflect 3.3 fix
* Fix broken support for Python 3.3
* Bump version: 0.4.3 → 0.4.4
* Fix README formatting
* Remove unnecessary --current-version arg
* Bump version: 0.4.2 → 0.4.3
* Travis: install multiple Python versions?
* Override default Python version in Travis
* Fix filename in README, eliminate redundant bumpversion
* Fix Travis?
* Fix incorrect installation instructions
* Forgot to change dev-requirements.txt in circle.yml
* Install requirements in Travis
* Be consistent with dashes and underscores
* Fix Travis?
* Add dev instructions
* Forgot to install dev requirements
* Remove leading \`v\` from version tag
* Copy-pasta error
* Need to manually set version here, bumpversion will handle it for us
* Messed up the bumpversion config
* Forgot bumpversion.cfg
* Change circle.yml to use tox
* Fix wrong version number
* Randomize test execution order to reveal interdependencies
* Configure tox
* Prepare to use tox
* No support for Python2 so this isn't a universal wheel
* Remove unnecessary dynamic code for dependencies
* Move installation dependencies into setup()
* Move descriptions into setup call instead of reading file
* Remove support for Python 3.3 and add 3.6
* Don't put install requirements in requirements.txt


* redo index fixes for better history ready performance


* Use lists instead of sets, which SHOULD BE safe, and preserve order
* Revert "Add indices on history table foreign keys"
* bump version
* get rid of python 3.3
* fix nullable migration breaking, as well as unintentional unique constraint rename
* Add indices on history table foreign keys


* new version
* fix relationship handling


* Fix issue #26: Remove compound primary keys on temporal clock tables (#31)
* unify everything
* ClockedOption to TemporalOption


* Raise an assertion if a flush() occurs on changes without a proper clock tick (#24)
* WHAT IS HAPPEN -- the event isn't properly handled in all cases [#19]
* Detect if sessions are already temporalized (#20)
* Update README.rst
* Update README.rst
* simple usage doc


* cleanup and actually fix py 3.3
* whoops really maybe fix python 3.3
* add python 3.5.3 and 3.6.0 to build matrix
* fix python 3.3
* fix python 3.4
* cleanup the bootstrap portion of temporal
* more tests, ensure the first\_tick and last\_tick only load one result
* test the session behavior around deletes
* speed up tests considerably
* TemporalModel extends Clocked for great victory
* stylistic changes
* new style models with better init clock
* support arbitrary shaped relationships (as long as they have real foreign keys)
* pending deprecate bad named properties on ClockedOption -- they're models not tables
* simplify test models
* bump version
* new style temporal declaration first pass
* truncate\_identifier a public method
* Add Travis and Coveralls, to provide complex build matrix (#11)
* Because I'm vain
* pep8
* bump version number
* support for simple joined table inheritance
* bump sqlalchemy to 1.1.2
* port over activity tests
* test via
* Rearrange things and reformat to flake8 standards
* Tweak and clean up setuptools script
* clover does open source
* Include version information in package and link setup version to package version
* Activity tests
* related model tests
* concrete base tests
* updated tests, added actual db tests
* it actually works with the api service now
* six of nine
* remove tox
* non-persistent tests
* tox + setup + pytest
* first pass at
* get tox prepped
* update readme
* skeleton
* Init circle ci config
* Initial commit